Saturday, September 19, 2009

Harry Ransom Center

"Other Worlds"

Cassini maps of the moon from 1697!

there is also an Edgar Alan Poe exhibit!


A symposium on public art was presented by Austin Art in Public Places.

Ned Kahn (doing a project at the Austin power plant)

Ned Kahn:
"For the last 15 years, I have created public artworks that use wind, water, fog and other natural processes as their primary medium. Many of these artworks were intended to reveal a hidden or unnoticed force in the site such as the air currents or the ambient light from the sky. The design of a number of these projects was based on an aspect of the natural history or geology of the region that was not commonly known. My artworks often function as small-scale "observatories" in that they frame and enhance our perception of natural phenomena and create places that encourage contemplation."

I love his wind works most of all. He has a bunch of cool videos on his website.

ned kahn